Space Geodesy and Navigation

The specialisation “Space Geodesy and Navigation” focuses on measuring and observing the Earth and the environment. Geometry as well as gravity and their change in time (deformation, displacements) are monitored, which includes the accurate determination of position and motions. Major topics are therefore high-precision positioning and navigation, all the present and future Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Earth observation with satellites, new satellite missions and the gravity field (mass distribution and transport).

The area comprises not only the development of new innovative instruments and cutting-edge technologies (e.g. the development of an own micro-satellite) but also computationally intensive and complex analyses of phenomena and the realisation of technologies by engineering.

Actual challenges today are early warning and monitoring systems for the fast detection of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides and tsunamis on the one hand and for the reliable estimation of small long-term trends such as global warming, sea level rise, melting of glaciers and ice sheets as well as plate tectonics on the other hand.

The material is not just taught in lectures but also in labs and practical exercises (in the field). At a very early stage the students are involved in actual projects (e.g. Galileo, Beidou). Exciting excursions supplement the programme (e.g. to companies like skyguide, EADS/Astrium or spectratime).

Requirements: Enjoy dealing with mathematical, physical and engineering problems as well as working outside in the field.

The students are being equipped with in-depth basics and a broad palette of mathematical, physical and engineering methods spanning the entire chain from the sensors and data recording to the analysis and the interpretation of results. Interesting jobs are available in research institutions and universities, in authorities and agencies (e.g. swisstopo, MeteoSchweiz, METAS, BAfU) as well as in companies (e.g. Skyguide, u-blox, terra, swissphoto) and surveying offices.

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