New CAS programme on sustainability and regeneration
The Executive Board has approved the regulations for the new continuing education programme at D-BAUG, Certificate of Advanced Studies ETH in Regenerative Systems: Sustainability to Regeneration. The regulations will go into effect on 1 April 2023.

The CAS programme builds on the content of the four-part MOOC series launched last year, Designing Resilient Regenerative Systems (DRRS), which looks at ways to approach the complex and unforeseen challenges of today.
The continuing education programme introduces the critical global challenges and highlights in a practical way how transformations via sustainability towards regeneration become possible. This is an important step away from a pure sustainability discussion and towards a discourse on regenerative cultures. Students learn about tools for dealing with complex problems, with nature serving as a model. A core of the programme is the combination of science, design and transformative practice in real-world labs. The offer is hybrid, the general course virtual with a ten-day practical part at the MonViso Institute in the Italian Alps.
The new CAS programme will launch on 4 September 2023. Its director is D-BAUG researcher Tobias Luthe. More information about the CAS programme.
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