Glaciologist Harry Zekollari receives award for his research
As an early career scientist, Harry Zekollari has already made outstanding contributions to glaciology, for example with his modelling of global glacier evolution. For his achievements and commitment, he now receives the Arne Richter Award from the European Geosciences Union (EGU).

The EGU, the most important organisation in the geosciences in Europe, recognises outstanding early career scientists in the field of geosciences with the Arne Richter Award. Harry Zekollari, PostDoc in the joint professorship of glaciology at ETH Zurich and the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, has made particularly significant contributions to research in the following areas, the EGU news release states: the modelling of large-scale ice dynamics, the description of glacier response times, as well as the interpretation of interactions between glaciers and climate in paleo-conditions. His achievements in such a broad range of topics are exceptional, says his supervisor Daniel Farinotti, professor at ETH Zurich and WSL.
Furthermore, Zekollari is recognised for his engagement in the geoscience community, where he is involved in many projects and has convened numerous symposia at conferences. He also devotes himself to teaching and science communication and is the editor of a scientific magazine. With all these achievements, his positive attitude and modesty, he is a role model for all scientists, according to the external page award laudation. Congratulations!
Professur für Glaziologie
Hönggerbergring 26