April 2021
Global glacier retreat accelerated

An international research team including D-BAUG scientists Professor Daniel Farinotti and Romain Hugonnet has shown that almost all of the world's glaciers – around 220'000 in total – are becoming thinner and are losing mass at an accelerated pace. The study in the journal "Nature" is the most comprehensive and accurate of its kind to date.
Europe's largest research centrifuge

Europe's largest research centrifuge is currently being set up at D-BAUG. It will enable researchers to simulate geotechnical structures as well as the effects of natural hazards. On Wednesday, the centrifuge was installed by Professor Ioannis Anastasopoulos and his team.
Atlas offers new perspective on Covid-19

How did the coronavirus spread in Switzerland? How did it spread worldwide? And how does that relate to the number of hospitals and inhabitants? The “Atlas of Switzerland - online" has published two new 3D maps that offer readers a spatial view on the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic and also allow for comparisons with other maps.
Kontakttreffen Hönggerberg 2021 goes online

Last year's KTH unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the Corona pandemic. This year it will take place online. And for the first time, the architects are involved.
In the workshop of the giants

In D-BAUG's laboratory for experimental research, large-scale tests are carried out – usually until something is destroyed. These tests help scientists to analyze and design materials that may be subject to extreme conditions such as an earthquake. A portrait in the ETH Globe magazine.