Two awards for ETH Zurich at the 14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement
At this year's International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC) Ms. Delphine Marchon, PhD student in the Chair for Physical Chemistry of Building Materials at ETH Zürich, received an award for her work as well as Prof. Folker H. Wittman, emeritus professor from ETHZ, received an Award for his sustained contribution.
The International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC) is the most important meeting for cement chemistry and concrete technology. First held in London in 1918, it has convened roughly every 4 years over the past couple decades.
The 14th of these conferences was just held in Beijing, bringing together about 900 researchers from around the world. In addition to keynote lectures, close to 650 research papers were presented (~200 orally and ~450 as posters). In an overwhelming way, these works dealt with the fundamental issue of sustainable construction, in particular the quest for low carbon cements.
Ms. Delphine Marchon, a PhD student in the Chair for Physical Chemistry of Building Materials at ETH Zürich, was one of the three students to be honored with a “Best student presentation” award for her work on “Effect of molecular structure of polycarboxylate superplasticizers on polyphased clinker hydration” carried out in a project sponsored by Sika Technology AG.
Additionally, Prof. Folker H. Wittman, emeritus professor from ETHZ, presently director of the center for durability studies of Qingdao Technological University in China, received an Award for his Sustained and outstanding Contributions to Cement and Concrete Science.