May 2015
Prof. Dr. Roman Stocker appointed Professor of Groundwater and Hydromechanics
Prof. Dr. Roman Stocker (*1975), currently associate professor with Tenure Track at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA, has been appointed by the ETH Board as Professor of Groundwater and Hydromechanics.
Karl-Kraus young talent prize
Corinne Stucker won this prestigious award with her bachelor’s dissertation on the subject of ‘Classification of vegetation in a laserscan point cloud’ (supervisors: J.D. Wegner, K. Schindler/Institute for Geodesic Engineering + Photogrammetry).
Winner of "Robert L'Hermite Medaille 2015"
Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert won RILEM Award 2015: the Robert L'Hermite Medal.