Doctoral Administration D-BAUG

Meetings in person or via Zoom always possible. Send an email.

Karin Schneider
Karin Schneider
  • HIL E 19.2
  • +41 44 633 31 12
  • vCard Download

Lehre Bau, Umwelt und Geomatik
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich

Please leave a voice messages so I can contact you.
Onboarding Moodle available for new doctoral students. Ask for password.

The Doctoral Administration D-BAUG acts as an interface between its own doctoral students (currently around 360) and the Department’s Doctoral Committee.

It provides assistance on all administrative issues surrounding a doctorate: doctoral plan and aptitude colloquium, co-examiners, credits for doctoral studies, preparation for doctoral examination, promotion requests etc.

It prepares the quarterly Doctoral Committee meetings: processing and submission of all official requests and minute-taking. Moreover, it acts as an interface to Academic Services (formerly Rectorate).

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