A Doctorate at D-BAUG
Applicable to doctoral students matriculated before 1 January 2022.
(This highly important topic is dealt with outside the above graph; it formed part of a previous tab on the research plan.)
What exactly are the parameters for a cumulative thesis?
There are different sources to consult, but start out with the D-BAUG infos, especially with regard to the number of publications needed:
Detailed Stipulations D-BAUG, Art. 10
Please note that all of these requirements must be fulfilled at the time when you submit your exam version, i.e. 8 weeks prior to your doctoral examination.
"Download Guidelines (PDF, 468 KB) on the Structure of a Cumulative Doctoral Thesis for D-BAUG Doctoral-Students"
"How to make Download changes (PDF, 142 KB) to papers that from part of a cumulative thesis"
Additionally: Make sure you also consult the website of the Central Doctoral Administration of ETH.
Last but not least, the overarching legal framework:
Rector's Implementation Provisions for the ETH Ordinance on the Doctorate, section 11.2
As you might have heard, you no longer need to nominate your 1st co-examiner after your 3rd year.
This element was deleted in the new Doctoral Ordinance (from 01.01.2022). -- The above diagramm, however, remains unchanged so people with a very early matriculation don't get confused, and "the new ones" realise they're on the wrong website.
Please now go to the examination page, "Approval of all Co-Examiners".
This chapter comprises the last element of Transitional Provisions.
In other words: If you did not opt for the credit point regulations under the new Doctoral Ordinance (in effect since 01.01.22), the Detailed Provisions hereunder are applicable to you. Please note that the opportunity to switch expired mid 2022.
Over the course of your doctoral studies, you have the right and the obligation to develop your knowledge in the field of your doctoral thesis. General information about this is available on the Student portal.
Regarding additional D-BAUG requirements, please consult our Download Detailed Provisions (PDF, 45 KB) as of 1 July 2016. (If you need to refer to the previous version, you will still find it under Documents.)
Please note:
- Discuss your individual study programme with your doctoral thesis supervisor
- Credits of qualifying exams (additional requirements) do not count towards the 12 credit points of your doctoral studies. See Download Detailed Provisions D-BAUG (PDF, 45 KB), Art. 5.
- At least one-third of your credits must be gained outside your discipline.
- All lectures taken from the ETH Zurich course catalogue are shown in myStudies.
- Performance assessments from other universities as well as any other achievements need to be accounted for separately (through diplomas, course confirmations etc.). These credits will not appear in myStudies but will be added up towards the end of your doctorate.
For final proof of all 12 credit points required, please drop by the Doctoral Administration D-BAUG, with your course confirmations, diplomas etc.
- 4-6 months before your desired examination date
- with the Download registration form (PDF, 934 KB) for the doctoral examination filled out (upper section).
Comprehensive information surrounding the preparation of your doctoral examination is available on our separate website Doctoral Examination.
The maximum duration of a doctorate at ETH is 6 years. See Ordinance on Doctoral Studies ETH Zurich, art. 27, section 4, as well as the corresponding Implementation Provisions.