Educational Developer
Christian Sailer works in the D-BAUG department as a educational developer with a focus on e-learning and supports lecturers in various aspects of effective teaching and learning at ETH.
Good teaching for effective learning
Good teaching does not depend on specific teaching methods, social or organizational forms (sight structures). Direct instruction via lecture can be just as effective for building knowledge and skills as project-oriented learning in teams. The quality dimensions of good teaching are so-called deep structures. They are described by the teaching-learning processes and include the following four aspects (external page Gold, 2015):
- Cognitive activation
- Continuous learning diagnostics
- Constructive feedback on individual learning processes
- Effective classroom management
Based on the four quality dimensions, the following pedagogical practices and competencies are significant for lecturers:
- challenge learners to think and be able to provide individual support in learning,
- diagnose and evaluate individual learning progress and be able to give productive feedback,
- lead a diverse learning group effectively, and
- know and use a variety of effective teaching methods.
Tasks and activities at BAUG
The main tasks include establishing and further developing the use of contemporary and appropriate teaching and learning techniques in the D-BAUG's study programs, and help to initiate and assist innovative teaching projects in the department (Innovedum). The responsibilities of the educational developer include the following key areas:
- Supporting and advising lecturers in the development of courses and performance assessments with a focus on teaching quality (deep structures), sight structures (e.g. Belbin tests for grouping in teamwork, standardized corrections of exams) and the use of special technologies (e.g. tools for interaction, group activities in large lectures; exercise logistics with teaching management system; video-assisted teaching; integration of GIS, VR, AR; electronic exams).
- Organization and networking of lecturers of D-BAUG study programs through training, networking and discussion events (brown bag meetings, tech workshops) and external educational networks (ETH LET / ETH Educational Developer Network, didactic university committees).
- Supporting teaching development through participation in policy committees (UK, DK, etc.), coordination of cross-curricular courses (e.g. Data Science, Scientific Working), curriculum revisions (didactic and formal requirements) and Innovedum processes.
The teaching specialist works closely with the study coordination and the study directors and secretariats of the individual study programs of the department. He supports the department management in all strategic and operational matters concerning teaching and ensures its quality assurance using pedagogically and technically relevant measures.

Edu Resources and Blogs:
edBAUG Services (Resources, Brown Bags, Blogs)
The edBAUG website offers space to provide general materials and resources on teaching, as well as to promote events and short stories related to teaching and learning at D-BAUG.
DeliScop - the Educational Developer Blog
Members of the network of educational developers present 'best-practice' examples of ETH teaching.
UTL (ex LET) Blog
Members of the UTL discuss pedagogical innovations and developments in teaching and technology at ETH.