Mentoring for PhD Students

D-BAUG offers a one year mentoring programme to its doctoral candidates.

Mentoring Programme

Goal: The mentoring programme supports young scientists in planning their academic careers, both within and beyond ETH, by providing a mentor in addition to their supervisor. It emphasizes career strategies, opportunities, and professional development rather than discipline-specific topics. The mentor-mentee partnership aims to be mutually valuable and enriching for both participants.

• Personalized mentorship in a diverse, inclusive environment
• Professional growth with equal access for all
• Lasting connections across genders and backgrounds


If you are interested in joining the mentoring programme as a MENTEE, please fill in this form.

If you are interested in joining the programme as a MENTOR from Academia or Industry, please fill in this form

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Meet our mentors! 

Note: this list is continuously being updated as new mentors sign up.

Imad Abdallah


Senior Scientist, CEO at RTDT Laboratories AG

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Dr. Imad Abdallah is the cofounder and CEO of RTDT Laboratories AG, an ETH Zurich spin-off ( Imad was a postdoc and senior scientist at the Chair of Structural Mechanics and Monitoring 2016-2024 at ETH Zurich. Imad is interested in long distance trail running, Crossfit, tennis, Blockchain/cryptocurrencies and politics.

Samira Britschgi


Project Engineer & Manager, Flückiger + Bosshard AG (Download Company portrait (PDF, 2.6 MB))

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Since 2016 Samira Britschgi has been a project engineer and manager for Flückiger + Bosshard AG in their Zurich office. She specialises in the structural design and evaluation of both new and existing structures within infrastructure projects and for special structures such as bridges. Samira graduated from ETH Zurich in 2015 with an M.Sc. in Civil Engineering and has gone onto overcome a diverse spectrum of technical and logistical challenges in her professional career. As acting structural engineer, Samira designed and oversaw the execution of a replacement concrete culvert via top-down construction, including the design of a skewed reinforcement layout. Other structural engineering projects include the design of a new 50m long steel prefabricated footbridge at Oberdorf train station, which included the design of two lift shafts as acting supports. Samira has also been acting project engineer on several projects including a feasibility study on a historic footbridge and the complete rehabiliation of the Sihlstrasse with many retaining wall structures and water course passages. Samira’s project management experience includes a 3 year long project for the implementation of corrosion protection measures on two riveted steel bridges owned by SBB. Further aspects from this project include bearing replacements and structural stabilisation works on one of the historic stone abutments. Samira’s diverse and rich industry experience make her a highly suitable candidate as a mentor for this program.

Zan Gojcic

Zan Gojcic

Research Manager and Senior Research Scientist, NVIDIA

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I am a Research Manager and Senior Research Scientist at NVIDIA, where I lead a team of eight researchers working topics related to Neural Reconstruction and Simulation. Prior to joining NVIDIA, I completed my PhD at ETH Zurich under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Andreas Wieser. My doctoral research centered on leveraging rigid body priors to enhance 3D point cloud processing, with applications ranging from autonomous driving to landslide monitoring. My primary research interests lie in 3D computer vision, with a particular emphasis on neural reconstruction and generative models.

Eleni Chatzi


Associate Professor, ETH Zurich

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Eleni Chatzi is currently an Associate Professor, and the Chair of Structural Mechanics, at the Institute of Structural Engineering, of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (DBAUG), ETH Zürich. She has obtained her diploma (2004) and MSc (2006) in Civil Engineering, with honors, from the Department of Civil Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). In June 2010 she obtained her PhD Degree with distinction from the Department of Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics at Columbia University. In 2010 she was hired as the youngest Assistant Professor in ETH, and was promoted to an Associate Professor in 2017.

Adrian Egger


Software developer, Cubus AG

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Dr. Adrian Egger defended his thesis (supervised by Prof. Dr. Eleni Chatzi) in 2019, for which he was awarded the ETH Silver Medal in 2020. Since then, he transitioned to industry and works for Cubus AG, where he develops civil engineering software for both the domestic and international markets. His early academic career began with College in Vancouver and subsequent bachelor and master theses at ETH. During this time, he participated and later presided the concrete canoe club. Throughout his PhD studies he was further entrusted with several teaching tasks and student theses supervisions, which he continues to this day. The aim is to not only impart technical competences, but also to develop individuals so that can effectively convey their findings/ideas. In this spirit of collaboration, he was also invited to the UNSW in Sydney as a Junior Visiting Research Fellow. Further interests include numerical computing in the civil engineering domain, software design, seeing eye dogs, Krisenstab Flughafen Zürich, and aviation.

Helge Fuchs


Supervision of Dams Specialist, Swiss Federal Office of Energy

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Since 2020, I am employed at the Swiss Federal Office of Energy to supervise 20 of the large Swiss dams including dam safety inspections, evaluation of annual safety reports and approval of surveillance or emergency action plans. I studied Civil Engineering at Leipzig University (D) where I graduated in 2007. In 2008, I came to ETH Zurich for a Doctorate in hydraulic engineering which I finished in 2013. From then, I was head of the teaching section at the Laboratory of Hydraulics (VAW), gave lectures in Hydraulic Engineering and Hydraulics and supervised a PhD student working on fish downstream migration at run-off river hydropower plants. Besides teaching and research, I was the Vice President of the ‘Association of the Scientific Staff at D-BAUG’ (ASB) and involved in the ‘Politics Team’ of AVETH and the ‘Forum Nachwuchsförderung’ at ETH Zurich.

Dieter Flückiger


Board member, Flückiger + Bosshard AG (Download Company portrait (PDF, 2.6 MB))

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With ca. 29 years of industry experience Dr. Dieter Flückiger is one of the founders of Flückiger + Bosshard AG and is currently a member of the board. His specialities include the preservation, protection and rehabilitation of existing structures, corrosion and moisture transport of cementious materials. Dieter graduated with a Civil Engineering diploma from ETH Zurich in 1984 and went on to work as a research associate for seven years under Prof. Dr. A. Rösli and Prof. Dr. H. Böhni at ETH. The end of this position saw him successfully defend his PhD at ETH in 1993. Dieter’s career within the industry includes the development of industry practices towards the preservation of structures, specifically for special structures including bridges. As acting project manager, Dieter oversaw many bridge rehabilitation projects, such as the rehabilitation of Hardbrücke Zurich as well as new build projects such as Horgen train station footbridge. Tasks throughout this time included conducting structural evaluations and acting as construction manager. Dieter has also provided his expertise in conceptual studies such as a study from canton Zurich on the topic of surface protection for reinforced concrete. Dieter’s rich and insightful industry and academic experience make him a highly suitable candidate as a mentor for this program.

Othmar Frey


Senior Scientist, ETH Zurich / Gamma Remote Sensing

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Othmar Frey received the M.Sc. degree (Hons.: ETH Medal) in geomatic engineering from ETH Zürich, in 2002, and the Ph.D. (Dr. sc. nat.) degree (Hons.: Distinction Award and Prize MNF) in radar remote sensing from the University of Zurich, Zürich, in 2010. From 2002 to 2010, he was a Research Associate with the Remote Sensing Laboratory, University of Zurich. He is currently a Senior Scientist & Lecturer (Faculty) with ETH Zürich and a Senior Scientist with Gamma Remote Sensing AG, Gümligen, Switzerland. He has been working in this joint academic/industry setting since 2011. His research encompasses 2-D and 3-D (tomographic) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging and interferometric/polarimetric techniques for applications, such as 3-D forest mapping, ground deformation monitoring, and snow layer profiling, monitoring of land surface changes etc. using spaceborne, airborne, UAV-borne, and terrestrial radar sensors. He has been a PI/co-investigator in various national and international research projects. Recently, he has been a PI of an Innosuisse project in which a new car-borne InSAR system for mobile mapping of surface displacements has been developed. At Gamma Remote Sensing, he has also been active in the development of the Gamma Software and in technical/scientific consulting on SAR imaging and interferometric applications to ESA, NASA, and aerospace industry. Dr. Frey was a member of the SAOCOM-CS Science Expert Group with the European Space Agency. Since 2015, he has been the Chair of the Swiss Chapter of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society.

Irena Hajnsek


Professor of Earth Observation, ETH Zurich

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Irena Hajnsek has been Professor of Earth Observation and Remote Sensing at the Institute of Environmental Engineering, ETH Zurich since November 2009. She concurrently heads the Polarimetric SAR Interferometry research group at the Microwaves and Radar Institute, German Aerospace Center – DLR, Germany.  
Her research interests focus on electromagnetic propagation and scattering theory, radar polarimetry, SAR and interferometric SAR data processing techniques, and environmental parameter modelling and estimation. She received her Dipl. degree (Honors) in 1996 from the Free University of Berlin, Germany and the Dr. degree (Honors) in 2001 from the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany.  
Professor Hajnsek has been the science coordinator of the German satellite mission TanDEM-​X since 2010. She served as the Technical Program Co-​Chair of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium in 2012. Since 2013, she has been a member of the IEEE GRSS AdCom and was elected vice president of the IEEE GRSS Technical Committees in 2016.

Ulrike Wissen Hayek

Wissen Hayek

Senior Researcher and Lecturer, ETH Zurich, IRL, PLUS - Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems

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Ulrike Wissen Hayek is Senior Researcher and Lecturer (Oberassistentin) at the Chair of Planning Landscape and Urban Systems (PLUS) at the Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development (IRL), ETH Zurich (Switzerland) since 2008. She holds a diploma in Landscape Architecture and Planning from the Technical University of Munich (Germany) and a PhD from the ETH Zurich. Since her PhD thesis on “Virtual Landscapes for Participatory Planning – Optimization of 3D Landscape Visualizations for Information Transfer” (2003 - 2007), Ulrike Wissen Hayek focused her research on developing GIS-based 3D landscape visualizations, evaluating their usability and validity, and implementing the visualizations in collaborative planning processes as well as laboratory experiments. Today, she manages at PLUS the interdepartmental Landscape Visualization and Modeling Lab (LVML) and the AudioVisual Lab (AV Lab) in collaboration with the Chair for Landscape Architecture of Prof. Christophe Girot. Currently, her research deals with large-scale landscape planning and design utilizing LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data, so-called point clouds, obtained with aerial and terrestrial laser scanning. Her focus is on developing state-of-the-art 3D visualizations and auralizations of landscape changes, e.g., through renewable energy infrastructure, and interactive decision support tools for aiding in the planning of power lines or in assigning riverine zones. In her teaching activities, she brings the visualization principles and approaches into the education program.

Eva Korre


Project Engineer, Dr. Vollenweider AG

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Eva Korre graduated from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) obtaining her Diploma in Civil Engineering in 2011. After acquiring valuable professional experience working on dynamic finite element analysis and shake table testing for SIEMENS AG in Germany, she obtained her MSc from NTUA in 2015. Eva acquired her PhD in Civil Engineering from RPI, Troy NY in 2020, where she specialized in centrifuge physical modeling and focused her research on seismically induced liquefaction. She continued working on research as a Post-doctoral Fellow at ETH Zurich and since September 2023 she has been employed at Dr. Vollenweider AG as a project engineer..

Mathias Kuhn


Technical Director Digital Planning, Basler & Hofmann AG

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Mathias graduated from ETH as a civil engineer in 2007. After working five years as a project engineer in the bridges team of Basler & Hofmann, he moved to Australia where he continued his career with Arup. 2016 he moved back to Switzerland and has now two roles with B&H, one as a project manager for civil structures and the other one as technical director digital planning. Mathias has extensive practical experience as project engineer and project manager but also works at the forefront of digital innovation in his field.

Anita Lutz


Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung Dr. Vollenweider AG, Projektleiterin, Gutachterin SIA, Mediatiorin

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Anita Lutz Jahrgang 1963 Nationalität Schweizerin Stellung / Funktion Mitglied Geschäftsleitung, Mitinhaberin Projektleiterin, Expertin, Mediatorin Beruf dipl. Bauingenieurin ETHZ Wirtschaftsingenieurin NDS FH Mediatorin IRP-HSG Gutachterin SIA seit 2020 Fachausbildung ETHZ, Diplom 1988 NDS FH, Diplom 2000 Mediatorin, Kurs 2008-2010, Abschluss 2013 Fachverbände SIA, (Firma), BAUmediation, FBH, GS, SVIN, Bauschlichtung Fachgebiet Grundbau, Geotechnik Berufliche Tätigkeit 1989 – 1990 AJS Allemand Jeanneret Schmid, Neuchâtel seit 1991 Dr. Vollenweider AG, Zürich Fachkommissionen Fachgruppe Baumediation Mitglied, seit 2015, Vizepräs. 2020-2023, Präs. seit 2023 ASTRA Forschung im Strassenwesen, Mitglied Arbeitsgruppe Brücken/Geotechnik/Tunnel, seit 2020 Gremium Gutachter SIA / Gutachterin SIA seit 2018 SIA Kommission Geotechnik, Mitglied 2003-2021, Präsidentin 2012-2021 SVIN Schweizerische Vereinigung der Ingenieurinnen, Vorstand 2008-2016 Usic Regionalgruppe Zürich, Vorstand 2009-2017 .

Charilaos Mylonas


Senior Consultant, Deloitte

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I have 10+ years of experience in numerical computing and machine learning, of which 6+ years focused on deep learning. My main passion is bringing value to data through advanced computational techniques. I have planned and produced projects related to several industries and using a large variety of ML techniques. In my doctoral studies, I produced work in fusion of GNNs and stochastic gradient variational Bayes (e.g., VAEs with graphs), I worked with industrial partners to bring additional value to existing lab data and proposed routes to data-driven innovation.

Alexandros Nordas


Senior Researcher and Lecturer, Chair of Underground Construction, ETH Zurich

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Alexandros Nordas joined the Chair of Underground Construction at ETH Zurich as a Postdoctoral Researcher in 2020 and is currently a Senior Scientific Associate and Lecturer. He is predominantly involved as expert technical consultant in industrial underground infrastructure projects, the principal being the planned repository for geological disposal of radioactive nuclear waste in Switzerland overseen by Nagra. His research draws motivation from his consulting activities and focuses on the life-cycle computational simulation and hazard assessment of underground systems, time-dependent ground processes, large deformation problems and instability phenomena, and the development of novel design aids for industrial practice. His research interests extend also beyond underground construction, to the areas of computational mechanics, optimisation, and artificial intelligence. Alexandros holds a 5-year Diploma in Civil Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (2013; Honours), a M.Sc. in Earthquake Engineering from Imperial College London (2014; Distinction, top of the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering), and a Ph.D. in Computational Structural Mechanics from Imperial College London, too (2019). He has authored and co-authored numerous technical consulting reports and scientific publications in international, peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. Throughout the years, Alexandros has received several honours and awards in recognition of his academic excellence, including the Telford Premium Prize of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), the Letitia Chitty Centenary Memorial Prize, the Patrick J Dowling Prize in Advanced Structural Engineering and a global fellowship between Imperial College London and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.).

Vasileios Ntertimanis


Executive Scientific Collaborator / Lecturer, ETH Zurich

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Vasilis Dertimanis was born in Greece. He received a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece, and the Ph.D. Degree from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, in the area of modeling and identification of faults in mechanical and structural systems. His research interests lie in the areas of structural identification and health monitoring, linear and nonlinear state estimation, active and passive structural control, hybrid testing and optimization. Vasilis has served as a senior researcher in the NTUA Vehicles Laboratory, Machine Design Laboratory and Laboratory for Earthquake Engineering. He has also participated as a Marie Curie experienced researcher to the EU funded SmartEN ITN project. For more than a decade, he has been in parallel self-​employed as a freelancer engineer and inspector, as instructor in training seminars on transportation of dangerous goods by road/rail, as well as a measurement engineer and structural vibration analyst. Since January 2014, Vasilis is a member of the Chair of the Structural Mechanics in ETH Zurich and as of January 2022 he is Executive Scientific Collaborator (Leitende wiss. Mitarbeitende), actively supporting the Chair in Research & Teaching.

Natalia Papathanasiou


Consultant, EBP Schweiz AG

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I hold a degree in Civil Engineering from a Greek university and subsequently completed a Master's in Transportation Systems at TUM in Munich. Following a period of two years working in Munich in the field of research, I relocated to Zurich to undertake a doctorate in risk assessment for railway networks at the Chair of Infrastructure Management. I subsequently left academia to pursue a career in industry. I spent two years at an engineering company, working in the field of railway planning and construction as a specialist for railway track projects. Since 2023, I have been working as a consultant for rail safety and maintenance management. On a personal level, I live with my partner, an architect, in Zurich, and we have two sons, aged one and two.

Chrysothemis Paraskevopoulou


Associate Professor at the University of Leeds | MBA, PhD, MSc, MEng

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Chrysothemis is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Leeds and a Mining Engineer (MEng) with post-graduate studies (MSc) in Tunnelling & Geological Engineering from NTUA (GR). In 2016, she completed her PhD in tunnelling which involved working in a joint Research Project between Queen’s University and ETH Zurich. In 2017 she was appointed Assistant Professor at the University of Leeds (UK) to teach rock mechanics tunnelling and geotechnical related courses where in 2019 she got her tenure (permanent chair). She has been also appointed as visiting Lecturer at Warwick University in the UK and Adjunct Professor at Queen’s University in Canada. Her research deals with geo-engineering innovative design, resilient and sustainable geo-structure & infrastructure and their societal impact. She has published more than 65 papers in international journals and conferences She also works as an Independent Private Consultant and in the past as Geotechnical Engineer. In September 2022 Chrysothemis became the Director of the prestigious MSc Engineering Geology at the University of Leeds, the first female academic.
She is an active member of the British and Greek Tunnelling Society where she was the General Secretariat (2021-24). She is also the past Vice-chair of the Young Member’s Group (Early Careers Young Professionals) of the International Tunnelling Association, a member of the ITACUS and ITA-CET committees. In 2020 she completed her MBA at Leeds University Business School as she is a strong believer in life-long training (and other reasons).
When Chrysothemis is not working you will find her spending time with friends and family at her Eden a magical place in Southern Greece. In Greek, her first name (Chrysothemis) means Golden (-Chryso) Natural Law - Justice (-Themis), in case you were wondering.

Isabella Schalko


Research Scientist (tenure-track), WSL and Lecturer, ETH Zurich

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Isabella Schalko is a tenure-track Research Scientist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Forest, Snow, and Landscape Research WSL and a Lecturer at ETH Zurich. Since 2020, Isabella is also a Research Affiliate at the Nepf Environmental Fluid Mechanics Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). An environmental engineer by training, she studies transport processes in fluvial systems with a special focus on the interactions between flow, sediment, and vegetation. Isabella completed her doctorate in Environmental Engineering at the Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW) at ETH Zurich in September 2018. Prior to that, she received her Bachelor and Master degree in Environmental Engineering at BOKU, Vienna.

Matthias Schartner


Postdoctoral researcher, Space Geodesy


Hello, my name is Matthias Schartner and I'm originally from Austria. I studied Geodesy and Geoinformation at TU Wien where I finished my bachelor's and master's degrees. Afterward, I started my Ph.D. in the field of Space Geodesy. In a nutshell, I was using a global network of radio telescopes to observe radiation emitted from supermassive black holes. During my Ph.D. I contributed and wrote several software packages that are already operationally used worldwide. After finishing my Ph.D. I started a postdoc at TU Wien before obtaining the chance to work at ETH in the Space Geodesy group at D-BAUG. For me, working as a scientist is a perfect opportunity to satisfy my natural curiosity while simultaneously being able to broaden my skills. I love to write software and automate processes, which allows me to contribute to many international collaborations and maintain a big science network. In my current position at ETH, I continue to work with radio telescopes, while I'm also supervising and contributing to projects aiming to improve our understanding of the system Earth via machine learning. After having worked in academia for quite some years, I understand the importance of international collaborations, writing and reviewing publications, as well as being an active member of a scientific community. Although it is not easy to have a successful career in academia while also having a positive work-life balance, it is certainly doable and I hope I can help you in this regard.

Ann Schumacher


Fachexperte Brücken, SBB - Swiss Federal Railways

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I completed a BSc in Civil Engineering and a MSc of Structural Engineering, both in Canada, before coming to Switzerland, where I completed a PhD at the ETH in Lausanne (EPFL). I recently also completed a Master of Advanced Studies in Management, Technology and Economics at the ETHZ. I have over 20 years of industry experience ranging from research to private consulting. One of the biggest challenges, but by far also the most rewarding aspect of my life has been, together with my husband, raising three children, while also remaining active professionally.

Benedikt Soja


Assistant Professor, ETH Zurich


Benedikt Soja is Assistant Professor of Space Geodesy at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. His research focuses on the application of machine learning in geodesy, in particular related to the application of satellite navigation data for Earth observation. Benedikt started his scientific career in 2013 as a research assistant in the field of geodesy at the German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam and obtained his Ph.D. from Vienna University of Technology in 2016. He continued his research at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California as a fellow of the NASA Postdoctoral Program. In 2020, he moved back to Europe to establish his current research group at ETH Zurich.

Maarten van Strien

van Strien

Senior Scientist, ETH Zurich

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I am a senior scientist in the chair of Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems PLUS and I specialise in the analysis and modelling of social-ecological systems. I have a background in biology and ecology. I obtained my Masters in the Netherlands after which I continued with a PhD at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL. At PLUS, I started as Postdoc and later Oberassistent before taking on my current position.

Bruno Sudret


Professor, Chair of Risk, Safety and Uncertainty Quantification, ETH Zurich


Bruno Sudret is a professor of Risk, Safety and Uncertainty quantification at ETH Zurich since 2012. His teaching and research interests are computational methods for uncertainty quantification, reliability and sensitivity analysis, Bayesian approaches for model calibration and reliability-based design optimization, among others. B. Sudret received a master’s of science from the Ecole Polytechnique (France) in 1993. He then obtained a master’s degree and a Ph.D in civil engineering from the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (France) in 1996 and 1999, respectively. Dr. Sudret has been working in probabilistic engineering mechanics and uncertainty quantification for engineering systems since 2000: first as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Berkeley (California), then as a researcher at EDF R&D (the French world leader in nuclear power generation) where he was the head of a group specialized in probabilistic engineering mechanics (2001-2008). From 2008 to 2011 he has worked as the Director of Research and Strategy at Phimeca Engineering (France). B. Sudret is the author and co-author of more than 250 publications in journal and conference proceedings. He currently serves in the editorial board of Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics and Structural Safety. He promotes the dissemination of uncertainty quantification techniques through the development of the software external page UQLab and the community platform external page UQWorld.

Anna Somieski


Projektleiterin BIM und Datenmanagement, Basler und Hofmann

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Anna Somieski was born in Dresden, Germany, in 1977. After earning her degree as Dipl.-Ing. in Geodesy from the Technical University of Dresden in 2001, she joined ETH Zurich, where she completed her doctorate in Astrogeodesy at the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry in 2008. Since then, she has gained extensive experience in managing complex projects in various companies.
As of September 2024, she works at Basler & Hofmann in Zurich as a project manager specializing in project management, data management, and digital processes. Previously, she contributed her expertise at Relis AG in BIM and data management and spent over a decade at BSF Swissphoto AG in international project acquisition. Alongside her professional roles, she completed a CAS GeoBIM at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland and a CAS Data Analysis at ZHAW.
Her career integrates academic knowledge with practical application, having successfully managed projects across diverse domains. Anna Somieskis expertise spans project acquisition, data analysis, BIM modeling, and the integration of digital workflows in large organizations. Her technical and organizational skills drive interdisciplinary collaboration and foster synergies between specialized fields. She will be committed to supporting young talent at ETH Zurich, sharing her knowledge and mentoring students to guide them on their academic and professional journeys.

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