Masterarbeit / Master's Thesis

The Master's thesis forms the completion of the Master's degree programme. In the thesis research students are required to demonstrate their ability to work independently and with a structured scientific approach in addressing an environmental problem. The thesis needs to be written on a subject from the selected specialisation (major) and be supervised by an ETH professor.

The duration of the Master's thesis is six months. More details can be found in the study guide on the Master's degree programme and also in the Guidance for BSc and MSc Theses and Projects.

If the Master's thesis is written at another university (abroad or in Switzerland), a professor of environmental engineering at ETH must also be involved as supervisor. The supervisor together with the hosting professor are responsible for ensuring that the level and quality of the thesis meets ETH requirements, and they together determine the final grade.

Please provide the necessary information about your upcoming Master Thesis at least one month before the date of your presentation using the following externe Seite form.

Public Master's Thesis Presentation

Every Master's thesis is concluded with a presentation and a poster. The Master's presentations are usually held at IfU or the hosting institute and are open to the public. The dates and formats of the presentations can be found in the calendar below. Please check here regularly for upcoming presentations.

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