Network Infrastructure

The objective of the subject area Network Infrastructure is the training of future infrastructure managers to make competent infrastructure management decisions for the maximum benefit of society.
The term “infrastructure” covers permanent physical objects and networks which ensure the functioning of a society, such as bridges in the road network, railway tracks in the railway network, pipes in the water supply or sewage network, transformers in the power distribution network, and masts in the telecommunications network.
Infrastructure management covers all the activities and processes required to ensure an adequate level of performance on the part of an existing infrastructure over a certain period of time. It addresses the cost/benefit ratio of infrastructure in economic, environmental and social terms, and takes into account the needs of all members of society. Attention is given to the fact that a balance must be struck between the need for forecasting accuracy and the time and effort expended on analysis.
Network Infrastructure: Range of courses
Courses cover the following three interrelated topics:
• Decision making
• System modelling
• Management