
Master's study programme 2020

The Master’s curriculum consists of the following categories (for students starting in the autumn semester 2024):

  • Two specialisations [each 24 ECTS]
  • Electives [12 ECTS]
  • Digital subjects [12 ECTS]
  • Science in perspective [2 ECTS]
  • Seminar work project management [4 ECTS]
  • Project work in one of the two specialisations [11 ECTS]
  • Project-based courses in the second of the two specialisations [11 ECTS]
  • Master’s thesis in one of the two specialisations [20 ECTS]

The "project-based courses” category may contain one of the following three elements:

  • Additional project work [11 ECTS]
  • Preparatory work for the Master’s thesis [11 ECTS]
  • Courses in the "project-based learning” category [at least 8 ECTS from the specialisation other than the project work, remainder from the five remaining specialisations, total 11 ECTS]
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