Fields of Research
Increasing urbanisation

Tomorrow’s world is a city. Ever growing sections of the population are becoming concentrated in urban areas.
To design such complex urban systems in a sustainable way, new mobility and infrastructure solutions, materials and substances, building concepts, construction processes, management approaches and planning methods are required. Social issues must be worked through in combination with engineering considerations.
Digital innovations offer completely new possibilities in terms of methods of planning and controlling urban systems. With their interdisciplinary perspective, the D-BAUG institutes are ideally placed to develop innovative solutions for the urban centres of the future.
Future-oriented infrastructure

Physical infrastructure is the backbone of human living spaces. Yet its functionality is being threatened.
Negative influencing factors include shortages of raw materials, a lack of financial resources for maintenance, and the influence of climate change.
The D-BAUG institutes contribute innovative approaches to robust, future-proof infrastructure. This includes new monitoring and maintenance methods, as well as measures to optimise life cycles. At the same time, digital innovation and artificial intelligence will be used to design smart infrastructure.
Changing environment

Over the coming decades, society will face dramatic environmental changes.
These include higher temperatures, water shortages, changes in precipitation patterns and glacier shrinkage. The reasons for this include, among other things, climate change and other factors of human influence.
The D-BAUG institutes are working intensively to find advanced solutions to measure, observe and better predict environmental changes to mitigate natural hazards, preserve resources and protect structures and infrastructural systems.
ETH Zurich
Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic EngineeringStefano-Franscini-Platz 5
CH-8093 Zürich