October 2023
Civil engineering challenges in focus

The D-BAUG Gender and Diversity Commission (GDK) is pleased to announce the second event of the Autumn 2023 Spotlight Seminar Series! Please plan to join us on 16 November as we welcome Dr. Maria Laura Delle Monache and Dr. Stavroula Kontoe, who will be addressing civil engineering challenges.
D-BAUG Urban Research Seminar

This fall, a new edition of the "Urban Research Seminar" will take place. Led by Professor David Kaufmann, the initiative aims to build a bottom-up network that brings together early career researchers and their ongoing urban research projects. On 1 and 29 November 2023, eleven short talks will present the variety of perspectives and methods from which urban research is approached at ETH Zurich. An exciting networking event for all early career researchers!
“Every structure deserves a digital twin”

Dominik Courtin, CEO of the engineering company Basler & Hofmann and D-BAUG alumnus, explains why digitalisation in his industry is not driven by productivity and talks about his many connections to ETH.
"We must have the courage to question our own values"

This year's Dandelion Entrepreneurship Award goes to Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, D-BAUG Professor of Landscape and Urban Systems Planning. The award recognises professors for their outstanding commitment to promoting entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich and beyond. In this short interview, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey talks about the role of entrepreneurship in her teaching and research.
Virtual design for real-world buildings

At the Center for Augmented Computational Design in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (Design++), ETH is looking at new ways to innovate the construction industry. Executive Director Danielle Griego tells us more.
Future Cities: Through Science. By Design. In Place. Over Time.

The conference "Future Cities: Through Science. By Design. In Place. Over Time" brings together renowned experts from architecture, urban planning, politics, and society, including Momoyo Kaijima, Pierre de Meuron and Peter Sloterdijk. It takes place at ETH Zurich on 12 and 13 October 2023.
Scientific Speed Dating with a difference

To kick off the new semester, the Institute of Environmental Engineering met for its annual Scientific Speed Dating event. Instead of the usual short talks, this time there were exciting quizzes that allowed the researchers to get to know each other in a playful way. The most challenging game was “2 Truths and a Lie”, where five scientists presented their work based on three statements. The crux of the matter: one statement was a lie that had to be exposed – quite exhilarating!
“Quality is everything”

Before a young person with talent is awarded a scholarship or fellowship from ETH, they must first cross the hurdles of a multi-stage selection process. Professor Lorenz Hurni, long-standing Vice Rector for Study Programmes at ETH, provides insight into how the process works in the case of Excellence Scholarships.
“I learned to appreciate teamwork.”

Studying at ETH Zurich is challenging, and all students have their personal hurdles to overcome. This video series shows personal portraits of ETH students. Today's portrait is of Katrin Jodocy, a bachelor student in environmental engineering.