Thomas Meierhans wins the ALEA Award
The ALEA – the Art of Leadership Award – has been conferred by ETH Zurich since 2017 in recognition of leaders who facilitate modern and innovative working conditions and who actively encourage and support the reconciliation of work, family, and part-time commitments. This time the award was for the first time jointly presented at an independent event by AVETH and VPPL. This year's winner is Thomas Meierhans, manager of the metal workshop at D-BAUG.

The winner of the 2022 ALEA Award is Thomas Meierhans. As manager of the metal workshop in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, he is in charge of around seven technical staff and responsible for processing customer orders from research. Julia Dannath, Vice President for Personnel Development and Leadership presented the award to the beaming winner.
The two other finalists, Lavinia Heisenberg from the Department of Physics and Mark Tibbitt from the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, were awarded a certificate by AVETH President Charles Ledoux: “We scientific staff know what a huge difference an exemplary leadership style can make in the daily life of team members. This includes managers taking their duty of care seriously, promoting strengths and jointly seeking ways with the team to handle all resources properly.”
The criteria for the selection of the ALEA Award comprised the new social and leadership competencies, which have been drawn up for all ETH employees. “I am proud that so many leaders at our university, be this in technical and administrative or in scientific positions, have such a high level of social and leadership competencies,” says Julia Dannath. “These individuals serve as valuable role models for us and significantly contribute to a healthy leadership culture at ETH that allows everyone to develop their potential.”
ETH members had nominated 48 leaders in advance for the award, for the first time including not only persons with official responsibility for employees, but also those with specialist leadership roles. The jury for selection of the award comprises members of AVETH and representatives of Diversity and Collaboration, the ETH Ombuds Office, HR Consulting, and the Staff Commission.
Video Thomas Meierhans (Winner)
Video Lavinia Heisenberg (Finalist)
Video Mark Tibbitt (Finalist)
Employees from Meierhans’s team talked in a short film about the qualities of their supervisor. For example, he considers it very important that all employees should be able to realise their full potential and carry out their work with enjoyment and commitment. He sets great store here on employees identifying and optimally utilising their strengths.
Following the official presentation of the award, the guests had the opportunity to discuss the leadership competencies in World Cafés – acting responsibly, nurturing well-being, driving innovation, living inclusivity, building bridges, and enabling people.
Complete recording of the ALEA Award
You were not able to attend the ALEA Awards in person? The following videos will give you an insight into the event.