D-BAUG at the AVETH Diversity Award

This year, the Association of Scientific Staff AVETH and Equal! presented the first Diversity Award at ETH Zurich. Among the finalists are two female scientists from D-BAUG: Jane Walden and Darcy Molnar. Congratulations!

by Iris Mickein
Dr. Jane Walden
Jane Walden, Glaciologist (Photo: D-BAUG)
Dr. Darcy Molnar
Darcy Molnar, Civil Engineer (Photo: D-BAUG)

On May 21, 2021, the AVETH organized the first Diversity Award which will be awarded annually from now on. This award recognizes social justice leaders within the ETH community who serve as role models and voluntarily commit their time and energy towards outreach activities that raise awareness for tackling discrimination. Over 80 nominations were received, and awards were given in two categories: “Organizations” and “Individuals”. The D-BAUG scientists were were recognized in the individual category.

2nd Place: Jane Walden is a Scientific Assistant at the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering, Hydrology and Glaciology. Jane decided to start regular meetings within her research group on the topics of diversity, inclusivity, and equality. These meetings became known as “Lunchtime Discussions” and some examples of topics include awareness about implicit bias, representation of minorities in geosciences, and mental health challenges in academia.

3rd Place: Darcy Molnar is a lecturer at the Institute of Environmental Engineering and ETH-coordinator for the swissuniversities projects “Science Action in Schools for Sustainable Development” and “Network for Water and Life” in Africa. Furthermore, Darcy is committed to promoting gender equality in the sciences, and in 2018 established a 500 Women Scientists chapter in Zurich to give women in science more visibility.

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