D-BAUG experts featured in Globe magazine

The new issue of ETH Globe magazine focuses on the topic of "disruptions", including those affecting infrastructure systems. In this context, the research contributions of D-BAUG professors Božidar Stojadinović and Olga Fink are highlighted.

by Iris Mickein
Cityscape Singapore
Aircraft engine

Professor Božidar Stojadinović specializes in urban systems and how to make them more resilient. To this end, he is developing a comprehensive computer model of the city of Singapore that can be used to simulate urban systems as well as any challenges and their effects.

Professor Olga Fink conducts research on faults in complex systems from aircraft and gas turbines to infrastructure systems such as railroads. She focuses on the development of learning algorithms, for example, to predict the remaining life of aircraft engines.

Read the full article in ETH Globe magazine (No. 1/2021)

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