Workshop discussion: Climate change: "It doesn't look good - for our glaciers."

The tongue of Rhonegletscher melts several meters every year – vertically. Indeed, glacier retreat is one of the most prominent signs of ongoing climate change.

Loris Compagno, PhD student glaciology ETH Zurich and WSL
Loris Compagno, PhD student glaciology ETH Zurich and WSL
Jane Walden, glaciologist ETH Zurich and WSL
Jane Walden, glaciologist ETH Zurich and WSL

On this hike, glaciologists Prof. Daniel Farinotti, Loris Compagno and Jane Walden from ETH Zurich and the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL reflect on the effects of this development - for example on water resources, natural hazards, energy production or even tourism.

And they agree: we should think about what future we want. Ideally now.

On the search for traces at the Rhonegletscher (video in German only):

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Production, post production: Oliver Stebler, © 2020 ETH Zürich
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