Corona video diary from D-BAUG at ETH Zurich with Benedikt Soja (6.5.2020)

Benedikt Soja has just had the most stressful time of his life: on 1 April he took up his new position as Professor of Space Geodesy at ETH Zurich. But things almost went wrong. Once again, the corona pandemic was to blame.

Until the end of March, Benedikt Soja was researching at the renowned NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory of Caltech in Pasadena (California). After that, he had planned to move to Switzerland - but the corona pandemic almost ruined his plans. In the new corona video diary from D-BAUG, he explains how he managed it all nevertheless.

(Video in German only)

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Production: Oliver Stebler, © 2020 ETH Zürich
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